After writing about my leg pain going away, it came back later that night. So that problem wasn't cured.
I bought one bottle of Mona Vie for $30. I have seen it as high as $40 from other distributers. I took the highest recommended amount (2 oz. twice a day) until the bottle was empty (6 days0. And here are my results:
My diabetes didn't go away or get better. My sugar numbers did reach a low of 86 for one morning, but then was back up to 150 by afternoon. My numbers have been between 129 - 155 before, during, and now after the test.
My leg pain is still there. I don't know if it's a pinched nerve or the diabetes or what, but the pain is still there.
I am still bald. Not that I thought hair would grow back. I just wanted to throw that in.
My weight is still the same.
In my opinion, Mona Vie is probably healthy for you like any other juice, I just believe it's being marketed as a cure all and that to me is a SCAM.
This test is concluded. If you would like to try your own test let me know. I am selling bottles for $45 each. just kidding!
Nothing was better than sitting in my v6 Pontiac Grand Am waiting for the light to turn green and then blowing the tires off a crappy 2001 Mustang. My heart would race just for the pleasure of putting some punk 19 year old in his place.
Those were the good old days.
A few years ago, it took me $20 dollars to fill up my car. Now it takes me $62.00. Everytime I accelerate I can hear money falling out of my pocket. So I decided to sit down and come up with ways to not use gas or to at least use very little gas in my life.
Hear are ten ways to fight soaring gas prices:
1. Kill Two Birds With One Trip: If you have errands to do, don't do them on the weekend. Spread them throughout the week. Each day on your way home, stop and do one errand. Then the next day on the way home do another errand. The whole idea is not to make separate trips. If your going to pass the cleaners on your way home from work then pull over and get your clothes. This will also give you plenty of free time on the weekend, since you'll have no errands left.
2. Carpooling: Seriously consider carpooling. Split the gas bill each week and spend half as much on commuting.
3. Different vehicle: Consider a scooter, motorcycle, or downsizing your car. How many of us really need the Yukon or Suburban? I can't remember the last time I saw a Suburban full of kids. If you have to have the SUV then your spouse should have the Toyota Matrix. Use the economy car for as much as possible.
4. Use the Bus: Taking the bus is now the smart way to travel. You can get monthly unlimited passes from your local transportation office.
5. Mail Stuff: See if it's less expensive to mail something than to drive something. How about messenger service. Check the cost. Especially in the big city, it could save gas and time.
6. Air Conditioner: Stop using the air conditioner unless absolutely necessary. It puts a strain on the engine causing it to work harder using up 10% more gas.
7. Video Conferencing: don't drive to visit other offices or other friends or family. Try video conferencing. It's free. Mac users use iChat and PC users use AIM. Do your meeting online or say hi to relatives and chat all you want face to face on the computer.
8. Car Wash: Try filling up when you need a car wash. Some gas stations allow you a 5 cent discount if you pay for their $8 car wash.
9. Shut the car off: I see people park their car at their destination and keep it running while they finish up their phone conversation. Shut the car off! I have also seen parents wait for their kid to come out of school. Shut your car off. People leave the car running to listen to the radio. Not smart.
10. New Job: I truly believe people will need to be closer to their jobs than ever before. Start looking for a job that's within 5 or 10 miles from your house. It's always easier to look for a job when you don't need one.
These are just a few of many things that you can do to conserve gas. it's only going to get worse. I don't think this problem is going to go away. We definitely are using up the gas. We just don't know how much is left.
So it's time to test this Mona-Vie juice to see if it's a scam or not?
Now, I have had three people tell me they are taking this drink and they are feeling better. One had back pain due to his line of work and he no longer has back pain and is getting 30% more work accomplished.
Another friend woke up with soreness and headaches. He no longer has either in the morning.
Another friend is doing weight loss along with this and I don't have an update on him yet.
Let's talk about me and my experiment.
Let me give you my ailments. I am overwieght (around 300 lbs.) I am diabetic and taking pills to control my body from making too much sugar. I have what I think is a pinched nerve on my lower back which causes numbness in my right thigh. I have been having some blurred vision due to my being diabetic. Sundays I am on my feet all day working and at the end of the day, my thigh is not numb any longer. Instead, it's aching with pain. I can barely sit still from the pain. I usually take Motrin to help the pain.
Okay. Now that you know more about me than you wanted to know, let's begin the experiment. I started Mona-Vie two days ago. It cost me about $30 a bottle and I think it's only going to last a week. I drink 2 oz. twice a day.
Last time I drank this it tasted nasty. Well, this bottle doesn't taste bad at all so the one I must have tried a year ago had to have been old and rotten. Lovely. I just did on fermented juice.
I didn't see any changes in my sugar numbers in the past 48 hours, but I did see one thing different. I worked all day today and my leg isn't hurting. My back is achy and so are my feet from being on them all day, but my leg isn't hurting at all. Kinda weird.
I will give you another update as soon as I have something to report.
To be continued......
So I am in the bathroom reading my INC magazine and their is an article on Twitter. It's says "Twitter - total brilliance or utter nonsense?"
For those of you who don't know what Twitter does, it's like AIM, but shorter. It's a quick snippet of a thought that you can send to everyone you know.
For example, let's say I am watching an amazing show on National Geographic. I can send out or Twitter everyone that I am watching this show. It will go to everyone in my network. People will be on the train or bus reading my Twitter.
Here is what I don't get. Why would you Twitter. You look at your Twitter page and all your friends are sending brief messages around the clock. It's like being in Chat rooms all over again and it's non stop.
I don't have time to listen to a bunch of Twittering going on all day around the clock. I don't want it going to my phone. I can barely keep up with AIM and regular phone calls. Why add another thing to my life.
I have a home phone, cell phone, AIM account, iChat, text messaging on my phone, a Facebook page, MySpace page, Linkedin page, web page, and three blogs on Blogger that I can't even keep up with. Ooops. Sorry. I just started a fourth blog called My Company Sucks.
I can barely breath. I think I am in overload. If I didn't have my crackberry in my hand I would choke myself.
Twitter isn't for me and I can't imagine who would need it. Okay. I thought of someone. The person at your company who answers the phones all day and does nothing. Or even the person who has no life and tries to avoid work by cruising the net. That's almost next to nobody.
Evan Williams was brilliant when he made Blogger. I think he missed the mark when he made Twitter. I do however look forward to what he has up his sleeve next.
I have had three people in the past year tell me about this miracle drink called MonaVie. My mechanic, my karate partner, and my good friend. I trust all of these people. My buddy said he used to wake up with body pains and headaches every morning. He no longer has pain or headaches in the morning.
So I tried it for a few days and almost threw up on the stuff. It is the nastiest tasting tasting drink ever.
It's been a few months now since I have tried it. The other day I heard about this drink again. I heard that Oprah and Matt Lauer loved it and blah blah blah.
So I do my infamous "Scam" search. If you ever want to find out if something is a scam do a google search for the product with the word scam after it. well, obviously the Monavie people know of my scam search. The first 100 entries is about people telling you it's not a scam. That alone makes me wonder. Why would all these people take the time to tell me something is not a scam.
This is what I call scam deflection. When scammers know your going to do something, they try to head you off at the path. Flooding the net with positive things about this drink with the word SCAM is going to keep me from finding the people who really know it's a scam.
So let's try this product again. I am going to do my own test. I am overweight, diabetic (recently), and have a negative attitude about things (that's why I go to church).
I am ordering a bottle from a friend of mine. I will monitor my physical being in every way possible and blog back her with results. Give me about a week or so and I will let you know how it works.
To be continued........