Wednesday, December 31, 2008


We all can agree that 2009 is going to be a repair year.

Stocks are in the trash, gas is going to be on the rise again, and the layoffs keep on coming in all areas. I just paid $11 for a hamburger and fries. I didn't even get the drink. It cost almost as much to see a movie in the theater as it does to buy the dvd.

Here are some tips for you in 2009:

1. STOP BUYING DVDS/Books/CDs: Go to your DVD/CD/Book collection and tell me how many you have that are still haven't been watched or read. CDs, DVDS and Blu Rays days are numbered. It's all going to be streamed or saved as computer files in the very near future if not already. Apple TV, Blockbuster and Netflix are all streaming movies in HD. Do the math. Your not going to watch these DVDs/CDs or read these books again. Trust me. Commit for a year and see if your missing out.

2. STOP EATING OUT: This is the first thing people cut, because it's easy to get rid of. So get rid of going out to eat. Soda in a restaurant is now around $2.50. That's insane. Burgers are no less than $8 for a combo in a restaurant. Steaks are off the chart at $20 and up. Appetizers are no less that $8 each. Sure, you can move from restaurant to fast food, but who wants to? Start cooking at home. It taste better, is quality time with your family and saves tons of money.

3. STOP FEELING LIKE YOU NEED TO GO AWAY ON VACATION: I can guarantee there are hundreds of things around where you live that you have not tried or done. I lived my whole life in Orange County and have never been to the Science Museum. Vacations are ridiculous. 90% of the time you do things you can do at home. Eat out, watch movies, go on hikes, drink alcohol, fish, ski, shopping. Save money on gas, airfare, car rental, and hotel stay. Take all that money and use it locally and you'll not have to travel home when your vacation is over.

4. STOP BUYING NEW CARS: buy year old cars and save $10,000 at least. I have bought four cars from Enterprise and they give me bumper to bumper coverage. The cars are the top of their line and they replace everything before selling, belts, fluids, tires, brakes. It's only got about 27,000 miles on it.

5. START READING THE SUNDAY ADS: People waste so much money on technology items. Read the sunday ads and get your laptops, jump drives, and video games on sale. Also don't buy new video games. If you buy your games 6 months old, you will save at least $25 on each game. Video games are $59 new. They will drop to $19.99 - $29.99 in about six months. I just bought "Resistance" for $20. "Resistance 2" just came out for $59. Once I am done with the first one, the second one should be on sale.

6. LEARN TO HAVE FUN FOR FREE: When was the last time you and your friends played a board game, or played cards, or dominoes, or went to the local park and did raquet ball or tennis or frisbee golf. The problem with America is that we are fat, including me. We are also lazy and selfish, but that's another post altogether. Take a moment and think of things to do that don't cost money. Stop spending to entertain yourself.

These are just a few areas to save money as America heals in 2009. What other things can you add to this post that I may have missed. Click on comments below and add your ideas.

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