Tuesday, November 13, 2007

HD DVD VS. Blu Ray - The battle continues

Did you know.....

Sony has been the reason for different fomats in the technology industry.

As far back as I can remember, there were format battles. The furtherest back I go is VHS vs. Sony BETA.

Sony was the reason for CD+ and CD- and DVD+ and DVD-. Sony just can't seem to play well with others. They want everyone using their format. They obviously didn't learn from their BETA mistake.

Now we have the latest battle HD DVD and BLU RAY. Some of us have already decided which side we are going to support and we all know that sooner or later there will be DVD players that play both formats.

I have chosen to support the HD DVD format for a few reasons, some which are strictly based on my feelings about Sony. Here are my reasons why:

1. Sony has had many problems with their products in the past 3 years. First their batteries in the laptops kept catching fire. Soon after that, they had major delays with the Blu Ray release. Only 10% of the Blu Rays manufactured were working correctly and that was the main reason they had to delay the release of Playstation 3. Then Sony started make one bad decision after another. They released PS3 with a limited library of games, priced it higher than any game console in history, and scheduled the PS3 release the day before Nintendo Wii was to be released. In fact, they only had 300,000 PS3 units for all of the united states.

2. People are still very illiterate when it comes to technology. They just can't figure out how to use their own electronic equipment. So when I heard the name Blu Ray, I knew no one would understand what it was. I get asked all the time, "what is BLU RAY?" I immediately tell them, "Don't worry about it. It won't be around long. Buy HD DVD." People are very clear on what HD DVD means. HD is on everything.

3. HD DVD landed the first real punch two weeks ago when Toshiba sold their HD DVD player for $87 at Best Buy and at Wal-Mart. Then they priced all HD DVDs for $14.99.

The true battle begins November 23 at 5am, better known as Black Friday. This will be the day when we see who has the upper hand in this fight.

What format do you support and why?

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