Saturday, November 10, 2007

Strike TV: what show will you miss the most?

Did you know.....

That the hollywood writers are on strike. We will be running out of new episodes of our favorite programs because the writers aren't writing any more due to contract disputes.

What show will you miss the most? Grey's Anatomy, The Office, House, Heroes, or Dancing with the Stars. Whoops. That's right. Reality TV doesn't have any writers. That's probably why it sucks so bad.

For me, I will have to say "House". It's probably the best written show on TV. Law and Order: SVU is my second choice for shows that I will miss. That's okay, thought. I could use a break from all the rape and murder.

I believe the strike will help some shows. Let's take "Heroes" for example. Season two has really been bad. Last season they saved NY and this season there is nothing going on. To make matters worse, they are introducing more characters that have nothing to accomplish. I am still trying to figure out what the Hispanic girl's powers are and I have been watching her kill people for about five weeks.

Some companies should benefit from the strike. Netflix is one of them. Hopefully Netflix is smart enough to reap the rewards before the strike ends. I currently have my Netflix account on hold, but not for much longer. I have 20 movies in my Queue waiting to be sent to me. I will now take my account off hold due to lack of programs to watch.

By the way, if you are looking for a cool foreign film to rent, try "Battle Royale". Not bad for a foreign flick. Nothing is better than teenagers killing other teenagers for survival. It makes me feel better after reading all the immature postings they do on Digg.

We're always complain that we never have enough time to do things. Well, now you do. Enjoy the strike. Start a blog. :-)

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